Friday, May 13, 2005

What Fresh Hell: Another Update

I've written a couple of posts (here and here) about the shameful use of HIV+ children in foster care in clinical drug trials.

Apparently enough people have been outraged by this that Congress is finally looking into it.

WASHINGTON May 13, 2005 — A congressional panel has begun investigating whether the government has adequate safeguards to protect foster children used in federal research after an Associated Press story detailed the use of child wards in some AIDS drug experiments.

The House Ways and Means Committee's subcommittee on human resources will hear testimony on the subject next Wednesday, saying its goal is examine the policy of using foster children in research and "whether adequate protections are in place."

"This hearing will explore issues surrounding the placement of foster children in clinical drug trials, including under what conditions participation is permitted," said Rep. Wally Herger, R-Calif., the subcommittee's chairman.
"We are concerned about recent allegations involving the enrollment of foster children in such trials. This hearing will help us assess whether there is any substance to these allegations and if so, what response is appropriate," he said.

While the children got access to some pretty nifty health care, some of the little human guinea pigs died when higher doses of medications were tested. I hope the panel makes some strong findings, strong enough that prosecution at the federal and local levels will be possible.


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