Friday, August 17, 2007

War Criminals Declare Terrorism Retroactive

The element of bad timing increasingly is entering into this war criminal government's prosecutions of its designated terrorists. Yesterday guilty findings occurred in a trail of Jose Padilla - for activities during the Russian occupation of Chechnya. In case you don't immediately realize it, at that time present-day terrorists were our allies, and considered as such.

Defense attorneys said the defendants provided support to what they believed were legitimate charities aiding innocent Muslims "being slaughtered by the tens of thousands" in Bosnia, Chechnya and Kosovo during the 1990s.

There were no discussions of violent acts in the 300,000 wiretapped conversations the government recorded on their telephones between 1993 and 2000, but Frazier mentioned al Qaeda 91 times during his argument, Jayyousi's lawyer, William Swor, said.

He characterized the government's case as "We can't make a case against the defendants so we're going to put al Qaeda on trial. We're going to say 'al Qaeda, al Qaeda, al Qaeda."(Emphasis added.)

Today, the prosecution of Holy Land Foundation in Texas for its 'terrorist' fundings centers around its activities during - would you believe - the time before 911. This week, two Israeli secret agents were allowed to testify against the defendants without revealing their identities. As I pointed out Wednesday, that violates the right of the accused to know who is testifying against them. It also ignores that the testimony comes from agents who are sworn to destroy Hamas.

John Cline, attorney for former Holy Land board chairman Ghassan Elashi, got the Israeli Security Agency agent, who testified under a pseudonym for security reasons, to admit that he could not be sure who exactly was in charge of the Palestinian committees at the times Holy Land is alleged to have sent them millions of dollars.
Throughout his questioning of the agent, Mr. Cline pointed out that none of the charity committees that the Holy Land defendants were charged with funding are listed on U.S. government designated terrorist lists.
Joshua Dratel, attorney for Mohammad El-Mezain, got Avi to admit that he has never taken any college courses on Hamas, has published no articles (the ISA forbids its agents to publish, Avi said) and is not a professor. Avi also testified that he became an expert on the topic of Hamas charitable financing only in 2000 while helping the Israeli government prosecute an activist. (Emphasis added.)

No doubt in venues such as Texas and Florida, it is easier for the government to convince a jury that the people designated as terrorists were part and parcel of the group that flew into the World Trade Center towers on 9/11. This kind of fuzzy thinking seems to be what the politically abusive Department of Justice is counting on to keep destroying our individual liberties, and jailing people who were Muslims before that time for intentions to kill us all. It's not convincing to rational people, like us DFH's, but we're not who the war criminals are counting on to continue with their damage to the Rule of Law.

Israeli secret agents are hardly the sort of witnesses that should be carrying out this government's intelligence - moreover, they show this executive branch's lack of intelligence. What is being done to these figures reeks of kangaroo trials, promotes torture, and is a mockery of the justice system this nation used to have. It is past time to throw out the Inquisition.

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